
Each product is accompanied by a “Commercial Warranty” of good functioning which is offered by our Company, covered according to the specifications defined by the manufacturer and in “Service Centers” approved by him and which comes to cover you in addition to your legal rights.

Your legal rights under the LEGAL WARRANTY the provisions on the sale of consumer goods and guarantees of the Civil Code (such as the right to repair or replace – unless such an action is impossible or requires disproportionate costs – the right to reduce the price, the right to withdraw from the contract – unless it is a minor actual defect – due to an actual defect or lack of agreed quality, for a period of two (2) years from the date of delivery), the right of withdrawal from the contract – unless it is a minor actual defect – for a period of two (2) years from the date of delivery. 5 of Law no. 2251/1994 (such as the consumer’s right to request a temporary replacement of the product, in case the required repair time for the product within the warranty exceeds 15 working days), as well as any other provision on consumer protection, are not affected in any way by the commercial warranty offered by our Company. The http://www.wavemotiongallery.gr which is managed by WaveMotion SA, has full responsibility and assumes all obligations provided by law and its provisions regarding your rights as a consumer.

Commercial Guarantee
For information about the commercial guarantee of the product purchased from www.wavemotiongallery.gr please also refer to the product packaging. In addition, you can also consult our website: Warranty – Service.

Damage in transit
In the event that the product you have just received is damaged in transit, this is not covered by the manufacturer’s commercial warranty and you should refer to the Shipping section for instructions.

Shipping Costs to the Service Center
Shipments to and from service centers are always at your own expense and expense, except where a special procedure is provided by the manufacturer.

Service Centers
In the event that a product develops a technical problem within the warranty period, you are contacted as described below for Commercial Warranty coverage.

For JBL products you should contact your Authorized Service Center:

Audio & Vision, 29 Geroulanou & Lampsa, 115 24, Athens, Ampelokipi, Athens, 210 6919931

The Service Center can inform you about all details regarding the commercial warranty of the product as well as the procedure for repairing the damage.

Contact the Service Center for information on:

  • The duration of the product’s commercial warranty
  • The procedure to repair the damage
  • Where the damage can be repaired

TIP: When contacting the Service Center, have the exact product model and serial number (refer to the instructions for use accompanying the product) and the Purchase Document available, as they may be requested.

DOA Replacement Procedure for specific manufacturers

In addition to the rights set out as above in the law, for certain products there is a possibility of commercial replacement due to DOA (it concerns Replacement of a product with a Technical Problem at the time of delivery Dead-On-Arrival).

This option, if provided by the manufacturer, is for a specific period of time after purchase and is valid for up to 11 days from the date of purchase. Therefore, in case the product is covered by the DOA replacement service and you wish to activate it, you must follow the prescribed recovery procedure within the time stipulated by the procedure.

If replacement and not repair is foreseen, then the product will be sent to our Company (33, Paleologou Street, Chalandri, 152 32) for inspection and approval of replacement and always in accordance with the DOA policy as described above.


In order to take advantage of the DOA option, the procedure as described exactly must be followed.

In all cases, in order for a DOA case to be returned, the product must be accompanied by a copy of the “Purchase Voucher”, be in perfect condition, accompanied by all its accessories, within the prescribed DOA period and accompanied by a detailed description of the problem when completing the Returns Form.

In all cases, our Company requires that a fault diagnosis and replacement approval from an authorized Service Center has been made prior to the start of the DOA process, in which case the latter will be accepted if the Service Center’s approval has been obtained.

Shipment to Authorized Service Centers shall be at your own means and cost unless otherwise provided by the manufacturer.

Please note that the DOA process may be subject to our Company’s approval even after the product has been received at our distribution center and the shipment of the product to be repaired to the “Service Center” as well as the transportation costs are at your expense.

For any additional information you need regarding Product Warranties and Authorized Service Centers, please contact our Customer Service Department (with a link on the Contacts page)