Privacy policy

We would like to assure you that for WaveMotion S.A. (hereinafter referred to as COMPANY) with Tax ID 998184801 located in Halandri, Attica, 33 Paleologou Street, 15232, tel.: (+30) 210 9244505, website: and the protection of our customers’ personal data is of primary importance. For this reason, we take appropriate measures to protect the personal data we process and to ensure that personal data is always processed in accordance with the obligations imposed by the legal framework, both by the company itself and by third parties that process personal data on behalf of the company.

We would also like to assure you that at WaveMotion S.A., we do not collect data about minors under the age of 16.

This Privacy Statement governs all of the information provided through the sites .

The company informs that, for the purposes of conducting its business activities, it acts as a data controller and processes personal data of its customers in accordance with the applicable national legislation (Law 4624/2019) and the European Regulation (2016/679) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”) as applicable.

In addition, the COMPANY manages specific functions of the websites : and through the use of electronic platforms of cooperating third party companies, in which the data of customers are registered and maintained that:
subscribe to the updates of newsletters and offers, personalized communication, your purchase history as well as record in its system the relevant provision of your consent for these actions, for the cases where required by the current legal framework.

The partner third parties, for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with regard to the specific functions, act as processors. For these functions, the COMPANY remains responsible for the processing of your personal data and defines the individual elements of the processing, and has signed specific contracts with the companies to which it has entrusted the performance of processing activities, in order to ensure that the processing is carried out in accordance with the applicable legal framework and that each natural person can freely and unhindered exercise the rights conferred by the legal framework. The COMPANY has legally ensured that those performing processing on its behalf meet the requirements and provide adequate assurances that appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to protect your personal data.

For any matter relating to the processing of personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) directly by email:, telephone: (+30) 2109244505

We use your data in various ways, which vary depending on the purpose of the processing in question.

There are circumstances in which COMPANY will not be able to take action unless it has specific Personal Data, such as your Personal Data required when processing your orders so that they can be delivered to you and not to another third party.

Therefore, we note that the Data relating to your identification, as well as your contact details, are absolutely necessary and required for any transactional or contractual relationship with the Company. We note that with regard to the personal data we collect directly from you as a customer, you must inform us of any change in the data concerning you without delay, as well as respond to any request for updating.

(a) The provision of the services that you have commissioned and wish to receive from us, such as the purchase of products that you wish to purchase from us.
In particular:

Execution of your orders
In order to deliver your orders and to be able to support you after the sale, the information we need is:
– Your first and last name, and for businesses, VAT, Tax, Occupation, so that the delivery clerk knows who to deliver to,
– the billing and/or delivery address so that you can receive your order,
– the mobile phone number for your electronic information via e-mail or telephone communication regarding your order,
– your e-mail address, so that you can receive updates regarding your order. And
– if you choose, your landline telephone number, so that we can contact you regarding your order,
All of the above is necessary both to prevent and detect fraud against you and against our company and for any future service or support you request from us related to your orders.

Customer Satisfaction Survey
In order to optimally operate and evaluate our products and services, we use the data we collect from you on our website to participate in a Customer Satisfaction Survey and product evaluation. The Customer Satisfaction Survey is currently conducted via email and/or telephone and is either about satisfaction with the services we offer or product evaluation. In case you do not wish to participate in the above survey, you can opt out of the survey, as well as notify us at the above contact details.

Telephone Promotion of products & services
In case you have made purchases from our online store and you have not joined the register of article 11 of Law 3471/2006 and/or you have not exercised a special right to object to the processing of your data by us, we may call you at the telephone number you provided during the completion of your order, in order to recommend new products or services to you. When making the call, you may be asked to confirm the email address you provided when completing your order or re-enter it in order to be sent a discount code for new purchases on our website. If you do not wish to receive these promotional calls, you also have the option to ask our calling employee to exclude your number from future promotional activities on behalf of our company.

Contact the company via the website form
We collect data on our website at the point where you have the option to fill out the form regarding suggestions for improvement and complaint registration. In the form referred to as improvement suggestions, we collect your data in order to evaluate the content of the request to improve the company’s purposes and products, and we may keep a record of requests for historical purposes. In the form referred to as registering a new complaint, we collect data, which is used to provide you with the best possible service to your request and is only retained for this purpose.

Subscription to newsletters, sending updates and offers
You can subscribe to newsletters and receive updates and offers on our products and services in two ways. In particular:
(a) By providing your explicit consent in the newsletter subscription forms, in order to enjoy all our updates and offers that we send via emails and text messages or Instant messaging through related services (for example, SMS, Viber, Push Notifications, etc.).
(b ) Upon completion of your order from our online store and if you have not objected to subscribing to receive our newsletter by selecting the “Click here if you do not wish to receive informative emails from about our products and special offers” field that appears before completion. In this case, we will send you our updates and offers to the email contact details you have provided at the ordering stage.
If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving updates and promotions, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, telephone: (+30) 2109244505

You can also use the unsubscribe-unsubscribe options by clicking on the corresponding link in our electronic communications.

Personalised communication
In order to offer you the best possible experience, the personal data collected by our website may be used to send personalised updates, provided you have given your consent, under the specific conditions set by the legal framework. Personalized updates are related to a) the products you have searched for on our website and b) the products you have left in your shopping cart. For more information on this automated processing, please consult the relevant section below.

– To create a Membership Account using Social Media, you must give your consent to the relevant Social Media.
– A necessary element that we receive from the Social Networking medium is your Email address.
– The additional information we receive depends on the relevant Social Networking medium, it can be either your gender or your date of birth or both if and when you have declared it as public.
-To communicate and manage your requests and/or queries and/or complaints via social media
-To participate in competitions conducted by our social media page
-When you communicate with us via social media (Facebook & Instagram) or when you participate in our competitions conducted on our social media page, we receive your personal data that you have decided to make public and those that you send us when you contact us by sending us your request/question and/or complaint in a personal message.

For details on the use of Social Media, please see the relevant section below.

If you decide to create a membership account, as set out above, and if you provide your consent under the conditions set out in the applicable legal framework, you will carry out your subsequent orders without having to re-enter your details. You will now be able to enjoy an optimal experience with access to your account details, your order history and the status of your open orders, your favourites and all the settings offered on the “My Account” page.

This will give you access to all your details so that you can complete or modify them as required. You will be able to register all the necessary details for the execution of your orders in your account, so you won’t have to fill them in every time you order.
You will also be able, if you wish, to add additional details, such as your gender and date of birth, which will allow us to be able to offer you an even more personalised and tailored service.

Finally, you have the option of deleting your membership account by your own action via our website in the My Account section.

We only process the personal data you provide us with when we have a legitimate reason to do so.

(a) The provision of the services that you commission us and wish to receive from us, such as for example the purchase of products (e.g. the purchase of a Laptop) and therefore the fulfilment of our contractual obligations in this context (the necessity to process your data in the context of the performance of our contractual obligation or at the pre-contractual stage at your request to provide you with our services), for the receipt of your orders, for after-sales support, to contact you about your orders and generally where it is reasonably

(b ) To safeguard and protect our legitimate interests, both yours and ours. Thus, we use closed circuit television (CCTV) and security cameras in order to be able to protect the safety of individuals, materials, premises. We also use special security software aimed at detecting and preventing malicious actions: specifically, when you visit our company’s physical premises and our web pages, we use information such as IP address, location information, user devices, etc. to detect or prevent fraud or abuse of our website.
In addition, we conduct customer satisfaction surveys in order to improve the services and products we provide and we make phone calls in order to recommend new products and/or services.

(c) Complying with an obligation imposed by law, such as regulatory compliance for tax purposes

(d) The consent you provide under the specific conditions set out in the legal framework in order to: subscribe to newsletters, receive updates on products, services, news and offers and to send you personalised updates.

The COMPANY does not offer its products and services for purchase by children and minors under the age of 16.

The children’s products we offer for purchase are intended solely for purchase by adults and not by children or minors under the age of 16.

If you are under the age of 16, you may only use our website with the involvement and approval of a parent or guardian.

The COMPANY transfers personal data to third parties to whom the company entrusts the processing of personal data on its behalf. In particular:
Data is only transferred to companies affiliated with the COMPANY that provide services for the purpose of sending promotional material and personalized offers.

he data are also transmitted to companies cooperating with the COMPANY for the purpose of evaluating the quality of service provision and the evaluation of our products & services.

In addition, COMPANY transmits the data to a third-party partner company that manages specific functions of the websites: and through the use of its electronic platform. Specifically, the partner company which acts as the processor registers and maintains the data of customers who& subscribe to newsletter and offer updates, personalized communication, your purchase history, as well as records in its system the relevant provision of your consent for these actions, where it has been requested and provided by you in accordance with the applicable legal framework.

Also for the purposes of implementing the sales contract, data is transmitted to partner companies to which the execution of part of the contract has been entrusted, such as transport companies or pick-up points selected by you at the address in question.
In these cases, the COMPANY remains responsible for the processing of your personal data and defines the individual elements of the processing, and signs a specific contract with the third parties to whom it entrusts the performance of processing activities, in order to ensure that the processing is carried out in accordance with the applicable legal framework and that each natural person can freely and unhindered exercise the rights conferred by the legal framework.

he COMPANY has legally ensured that those carrying out processing on its behalf meet the conditions and provide sufficient assurances that appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to ensure that the processing of your personal data ensures the protection of your rights.

We also share your personal data with those employees who are responsible for the evaluation of your requests, the management and operation of your contract, where applicable, for the fulfilment of the obligations arising from it. For any issue of support for the products you have purchased and the related obligations imposed by law, as well as to our external partners, natural and legal persons, who meet the conditions required by law when they are required to provide you with support services, such as for example to the competent Service Center and/or our supplier and/or the courier service that will receive the product to be repaired Your personal data are treated with the strictest confidentiality and discretion, and
In addition, your personal data that we collect from your interaction with our social media accounts (Facebook & Instagram), namely your First Name, Last Name, Email, Birthday and Gender, and / or any other data you have declared as public in the above-mentioned media and data that you disclose yourself by sending us a personal inquiry, request or by expressing a complaint to us about our services and/or information you provide to us when you take part in competitions that we run on the aforementioned media are processed by an affiliated third party company that manages these accounts on our behalf.

We may share your information with relevant agencies, law enforcement agencies, government authorities and other third parties where permitted by law, for the purpose of preventing or detecting criminal activity, providing customer account information, etc.

The time period for storing data is decided on the basis of the following specific criteria depending on the case:
Where processing is imposed as an obligation by provisions of the applicable legal framework, your personal data will be stored for as long as the relevant provisions require.
Where the processing is carried out on the basis of a contract, your personal data will be stored for as long as necessary for the performance of the contract and for the establishment, exercise, and/or support of legal claims based on the contract.
For the purposes of product and service marketing activities, your personal data are kept until your consent is withdrawn. This can be carried out by you at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent in the period prior to its withdrawal.

We will also retain your account data for as long as you maintain it and have not requested that it be deleted. Data that you provide to us for the purpose of providing services to you or to third parties on your behalf will be retained for as long as necessary to enable us to continue to provide those services to you.

Where reasonably necessary or required to comply with legal or regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce terms and conditions, we may retain some of your information as required, even after your account has expired or we no longer need to provide you with your services.

To withdraw your consent, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, phone: (+30) 2109244505

You can also use the unsubscribe options by clicking on the corresponding link in our electronic communications.

Every natural person whose data is processed by the COMPANY enjoys the following rights:

Right of access:
You have the right to be aware of and verify the lawfulness of the processing. Therefore, you have the right to have access to the data and to obtain additional information on the processing. If you wish to exercise your Right of Access, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, telephone: (+30) 2109244505

Right of rectification:
You have the right to review, correct, update or amend your personal data by contacting the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the above contact details. You also have the right to be informed about the recipients of the data, if you wish. To exercise your Right of Rectification of Personal Data, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, telephone: (+30) 2109244505.
In case you wish to modify the details of the membership account you hold on our website, you can do so by your own action if you first log in to your account.

Right of deletion:
You have the right to submit a request to delete your personal data when we process it based on your consent or in order to protect our legitimate interests. In all other cases (such as, but not limited to, where there is a contract, an obligation to process personal data imposed by law, public interest), this right is subject to specific limitations or does not exist as the case may be. You also have the right to be informed of the recipients of the data, if you so wish. To exercise your Right to Erasure of Personal Data, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, phone: (+30) 2109244505
In case you wish to deactivate the membership account you hold on our website, you can do so by your own action if you first log in to your account.

Right to restrict processing:
You have the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data in the following cases: (a) when the accuracy of the personal data is questioned and until it is verified, (b) when you object to the deletion of personal data and request instead of deletion the restriction of its use, (c) when the personal data is not necessary for the purposes of processing, but is nevertheless necessary for the establishment, exercise, support of legal claims, and (d) when you object to the processing and until it is verified that existing You also have the right to be informed about the recipients of the data, if you so wish. To exercise your Right of Restriction, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, phone: (+30) 2109244505.

Right to object to processing:
You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data where, as described above, it is necessary for legitimate interests pursued by us as data controllers, as well as to processing for direct marketing purposes. If you wish to exercise your Right to Object to Processing, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, telephone: (+30) 2109244505

Right to portability:
You have the right to receive, free of charge, your personal data in a format that allows you to access, use and process it by commonly used processing methods. You also have the right to ask us, where technically feasible, to also transfer the data directly to another controller. This right exists for data that you have provided to us and is processed by automated means on the basis of your consent or in performance of a relevant contract. If you wish to exercise your Right of Portability of Personal Data, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, telephone: (+30) 2109244505.

Right to withdraw consent:
Finally, COMPANY informs you that where processing is based on your consent, you have the right to freely withdraw it, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before you withdraw it. To withdraw your consent, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email:, phone: (+30) 2109244505. You can also use the unsubscribe options by clicking on the corresponding link in our electronic communications.

To exercise any of the above rights, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) by email:, telephone: (+30) 2109244505.
In the above cases, we will make every effort to respond to your request within thirty (30) days of its submission. The said period may be extended for sixty (60) additional days if necessary, taking into account the complexity of the request and the number of requests, in which case we will inform you within the aforementioned thirty (30) day period.

Right to complain to the DPAA
If you consider that we have not adequately satisfied your request and your personal data protection is affected in any way, you may submit a complaint via a dedicated portal to the Data Protection Authority (Athens, 1-3 Kifissia Avenue, P.O. Box 115 23 | tel: +30 210 6475600). Detailed instructions for filing a complaint are provided on the Authority’s website

The COMPANY applies appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the secure processing of personal data and to prevent accidental loss or destruction and unauthorized and/or unlawful access, use, modification or disclosure of personal data. In any case, the way the internet works and the fact that it is free to anyone does not allow for guarantees that unauthorised third parties will never be able to breach the technical and organisational measures in place, gaining access and possibly making use of personal data for unauthorised and/or illegitimate purposes.

At we use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.

The cookies that are categorized as “Necessary” are stored on your browser as they are essential for enabling the basic functionalities of the site.
We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze how you use this website, store your preferences, and provide the content and advertisements that are relevant to you. These cookies will only be stored in your browser with your prior consent.
You can choose to enable or disable some or all of these cookies but disabling some of them may affect your browsing experience.

Necessary cookies are required to enable the basic features of this site, such as providing secure log-in or adjusting your consent preferences. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable data.

Functional cookies help perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collecting feedback, and other third-party features.

Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.

Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.

Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with customized advertisements based on the pages you visited previously and to analyze the effectiveness of the ad campaigns.

During your visits to our website, you can browse and remain an anonymous user until you decide that you want to subscribe either by creating a membership account or by subscribing to our newsletter and personalised updates, by providing your email address and the appropriate consent where applicable.
After the above registration, we will send you notifications personally concerning you for products you have seen on our website or forgotten in your shopping cart through automated processing.

Social Media
At websites: and we provide you with the possibility to register by creating a
membership account (sign up) or to sign in to your account (sign in) using your Social Media accounts (Facebook, Google), without having to remember passwords, through an automated secure operation which is carried out by direct communication between our systems and the social network in question.
A prerequisite for the use of the above automated registration/entry function is that you authorize the respective social networking medium for this use, which at the same time authorizes the medium to transfer to us your personal data that you have declared as public in the social networking medium. At the time of authorization, you are informed of exactly which data will be transmitted and you also have the possibility to de-select some of them.

Your authorization to the respective medium is done once and is valid until you, by your own action towards the respective medium, terminate it (look for the relevant functions – options in your personal account on the social media).

The personal data we collect from social networks, if they are public and only with your consent, are your First Name, Last Name, Email, Birthday and Gender, and any other data you have declared as public in the social media. This information is used to create a membership account and its needs as described in the relevant section “Creating a membership account”. works with a third-party company that manages the accounts it holds on social media.

Online stores of partner companies
The websites: and cooperate with online stores of other commercial companies for the promotion of the COMPANY’s products and services (hereinafter referred to as Partner). In this case and in order to execute your order, we receive your personal data that you have registered as a registered user in the Partner’s partner online store (indicatively name, surname, address and contact details)

Links to or from other websites
Our website may contain links to foreign websites. COMPANY is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other websites not owned by COMPANY. Accordingly, we recommend that you carefully read the privacy statements of such foreign websites.

The information on the Company’s privacy policy reflects the current state of data processing. In case of changes in data processing, this data protection information will be updated accordingly. The latest version of this data protection information will always be available on our website, so that you can keep up to date with the scope of data processing. We encourage you to always be aware of how we process and protect your personal information. All future changes regarding this Privacy Statement will be made known on our website.